Holy Trinity - Abel, Vishnu, RA one and same

Adam made love to his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. 
She said, “With the help of the Lord I have brought forth a man.” 
Later she gave birth to his brother Abel.
Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. 
In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord. 
And Abel also brought an offering—fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. 
The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, 
but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. 
So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast.
Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? 
If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? 
But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”
Now Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let’s go out to the field.”
While they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.
Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?”
“I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”


According to Sikhism: God came forth as Vishnu (Proton/Abel/RA) and from Vishnu's Navel came Brahma (Neutron/Seth/Thoth) and from Vishnu's Side came Shiva (electron/Cain/SEB)

According to Hinduism: 
Vishnu is nobody but Shiva, and he who is called Shiva is but identical with Vishnu.  

- Skanda Purana

(This is portrayed in movie Annihilation from one cell another cell is formed creating a clone; 
whereas Bible twisted things by showing God (Adam) as man and Man (Jesus) as God; Hollywood twists thing by showing Good as Evil and Evil as Good.  Kane (Cain) who is shown as Good husband, Good Soldier and who believes that God is always watching you and never does anything wrong; after going into the Garden (of Eden) where his clone is created and he kills himself.  His clone who is not Kane (Abel) who is maybe good or bad.  Lina is Eve, who accepts the clone (forbidden fruit) and is shown with Evil in her eyes.  Eve is Egyptian Goddess, NUT, who defies RA to mate with SEB.  Just as Indian Goddess Parvati who defies her father and marries Shiva.)

On the side note in Batman: Christian Bale (Able) plays Batman (Baphomet) who lives in caves like Cain, SEB and Shiva.

First of all whoever believes the Genesis story written in Bible is automatically assuming that GOD is not Almighty and All Knowing and All Powerful and He is also unfair in His Treatment.  He does not know that the snake is decieving Eve into eating the forbidden fruit, then He does not accept the offering presented by Cain and last He does not know what happened to Abel.  

Does not Abel have a soul that goes back to God after his death?  
Cannot Abel be revived as Jesus was?
Does not God has a power to create another Abel?

Let's look at the picture below of ATOM, Proton, Neutron and Electron

As you can see the Proton and Neutron is attached to the ATOM and Electron is on the outskirt of ATOM,  no matter what the Electron does he will never be able to come near the core of the ATOM.
So his offering is not looked upon in favor.

From the Electron comes the word Electric, Electricity, Lightning

So what happened to SATAN: "And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven." LUKE 10:18

And what is SATAN: "Prince of the power of the air" Ephesians 2:2

Didn't Air(Egyptian Goddess Nut) mated with SEB(GEB) by defying RA to create 5 days.  So SEB/Cain/Satan is her prince.

What else Ephesians 2:2 states "...the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience"

And what did NUT/Eve did, she disobeyed the lord by eating the forbidden fruit (having sex with Seb/Cain).

Per Hinduism Shiva has a power over Demons and in his marriage only Demons and Ghosts came.
According to Matthew 9:34 Satan is "Prince of Demons".

Guru Nanak Dev Ji states: 

"The True GOD, the Primal Being, is kind and compassionate; all are alike to Him.  
He looks upon all impartially; with pure faith in the mind, He is obtained."

Holy QURAN describes GOD as "The Most Compassionate, Most Merciful who is All Powerful and All Knowing"

So why does Bible shows GOD as Unfair and Unjust? Think Logically

Hinduism/Sikhism calls the TRINITY as the attributes of GOD or AVATARS of GOD.

Vishnu represents Sattva (Truth, balance, harmony) quality of GOD
Brahma represents Rajas (Passion, activity, creation) quality of GOD
Shiva represents Tamas (Disorder, chaos, negative, violent) quality of GOD

We all are made of ATOMS and these three qualities are present in all of us

Human: Rajas (Birth), Sattva (Lifetime), Tamas (Death)
Time: Rajas (Sunrise, Sunset), Sattva (Day, clarity), Tamas (night) 
Consiousness: Rajas (Sleep with dream), Sattva (Waking), Tamas (Deep sleep without dreams)
Traits: Rajas (Neutral), Sattva (Positive, Do-gooder/Hero), Tamas (Negative, mean/villain)


The triangle with the all seeing eye represents the trine nature of God.  The rising side is Proton/Vishnu/Abel/Ra; the falling side is Electron/Kane/Shiva/Seb; and the resting side is Neutron/Brahma/Seth/Thoth

But this symbol got hijacked and transformed good into evil. Now when one see this symbol, it is automatically associated as evil.

Vedas states that you need to go through Truth to get to the Absolute Truth (GOD)

That's why in Hinduism the worship of Vishnu is the most Supremene
In Christianity it is stated you can only redeem yourself through Jesus 
(they killed off Abel and replaced it with Jesus, hence you got word Cannibal - Cain killed and ate Able.  Jesus is the Christ.  Who is Christ?  According to English to Sanskrit dictionary: Christ is Krishna, 8th Avatar of Vishnu, the annointed one)
In Islam Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is the only way

Guru Nanak Dev Ji states we have to go beyond the three state of Consciousness (Trinity) and get to the Fourth State of Consciousness which is realizing GOD meaning we should always worship one GOD not his Avatars or Prophets. There is no intermedior between Man and GOD, we have a direct connection with GOD.  

We should look beyond the Trinity which is within the realm of Maya or Illusion - Snake in the Garden of Eden.  

Only GOD is not touched by Maya/Illusions.

The Trinity prescribed by Bible (God, Holy Spirit and Jesus) is not the real Trinity as prescribed by Nature.

Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva (Satan) work within the soveriegn control of GOD (Job 1:12) and in balance/complementary of each other.

To make a Greater Hero, you need a Greater Villain.  
If there was no negative aspect to life, no one will pray or believe in GOD. 

Satan is only doing the work of GOD.  It is upto Humans which path they want to take.  And it is your Karma that decides your future.  There is no One Life to Live, we go through reincarnation again and again and the end goal of humans is to get Moksha (get away from cycle of reincarnation and become one with GOD).

According to Egyptian Mythology:

GEB had authority over the tombs buried in the earth,  
and assisted in the ritual of weighing the heart of the deceased in the Halls of Ma´at.  

The justified dead were given words of power which allowed them to ascend to the sky, 
while those whose hearts were weighed down with guilt were trapped in the earth by Geb. 

Thus, he could be a malevolent being as well as beneficial deity

According to Hinduism:

Shiva is also considered as a benefactor as well as a destroyer.  People pray to him give them easy death or not to give them early death.

Brahma/Seth/Thoth is considered as the Father of Human kind, while you can say that Shiva is father of Rakhsas/Nephilims

Brahma -
Gave us Vedas/Shastras (holy books) and had five sons from which humanity started.
He calculated the heavens, stars, earth distance.  Number of species and realms in them.
He is the author of Science, Math, Astronomy and Astrology among other things

Thoth -
Taught us what we know today and gave us ability to Think (Thought process). 
Thoth powers were between Good and Evil.
Established calculations of the heavens, stars, Earth and everything in them
Author of Science, Math, Astronomy, Astrology, Magic, Philosophy

Depicted neither as Good (Abel) or Evil (Cain). 
Invented the wisdom of the heavenly bodies, and built the "pillars of the sons of Seth"
Pillars inscribed many scientific discoveries and inventions, notably in Astronomy. 

Vishnu and RA are considered as Sun God because they represent Sattva (sun) portion of Nature, Shiva is Moon God.  Jesus is referred as Son (Sun) of God.

Vishnu/RA/Able does not have any descendants

Here is the Family Tree per Zoroaster

According to Christopher Lloyd of Truthiracy3 channel on Youtube: Christians and Satanists are fooled by one book - Bible



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