Annihilation Movie decoded

Spoilers Alert:

In order to understand the movie, one has to understand that while Bible converted Man (Jesus) into God and God (Adam) into man; Hollywood converts Good into Bad and Bad into Good.

To begin with let's look at the Holy Trinity

According to Hinduism God shone forth as Vishnu and from Vishnu's navel came Brahma and from the side of Vishnu came Shiva.

What is Annihilation about; it is about cloning cells multiplying.

What does Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva represents?
It represents Proton, Neutron and Electron in science.  Abel, Seth and Cain in Bible

Vishnu is nobody but Shiva, and he who is called Shiva is but identical with Vishnu.  

- Skanda Purana

In the movie Kane is a good person, but we don't know whether his clone is Good, Bad or Neutral

Who is Lina?  Lina is Eve

In Bible it Shows Eve comes from the side or rib of Adam; in Hinduism Shiva came from the side of Vishnu

When you remove an Electron from Proton you create Energy.  Eve is Energy or Shakti in Hinduism and Nut (Goddess of Air) in Egyptian Myth

What is Forbidden Fruit?  It is a metaphor for lust or immoral activity. 

In Hinduism Shakti (parvati) defied her father to marry Shiva
In Egyptian Nut defied RA to marry Seb (Geb) to create 5 days.
In Bible Eve defied God and ate the forbidden fruit.  I believe this forbidden fruit is eloping with Cain.
                                                           Please see my previous blogs to understand better

(Cain's wife name is Awan) Eve is also know Ave; Also were did Awan came from.

From Eve comes the word Evil and Evening - time of day when the day goes from light to dark

In the movie even though Lina knew that the clone is not her husband, she still accepts him and we can see a shine in her eyes showing she has gone to the darkside.

So Kane represents Able and Eve leaves Kane (Able) to be with Able (Kane).

The place where the cloning takes place is the Garden of Eden (Heaven).


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