Creation of the world Genesis versus

Creation Bible Vs Guru Nanak Dev Ji

There is only One Universal Creator God. His Name Is Truth. He is the Creator. He is without Fear. He holds no Hatred against anyone. He never dies, He is Beyond Birth and Deaths, He is Self-Existent. He is only realized by Guru’s Grace

Chant And Meditate:

He was True In The Primal Beginning. He is True Throughout The Ages.  He is  True Here And Now. O Nanak, He is Forever And Ever True.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born on April 15th, 1469 in a town which is now in Pakistan to a Hindu parents.  Guru Nanak Dev Ji rejected the idea of religion and declared I am neither a Hindu nor am I a Muslim.  He preached that we should all pray to that one Creator God - Ek Omkar who has made us all from same clay. Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in Equality of all.

Unlike Bible, the Sikh Holy Book Guru Granth Sahib does not start from Creation.  It starts from the praise of the Creator God.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji further added: “From the True One came the air, and from the air came water. From water, were created the three worlds; in each and every heart He has infused His own Light.” 
Guru Nanak Dev Ji states: “God’s worth (greatness) is beyond measure, nor it can be overestimated. You alone are the True Lord of mine and of other beings of countless worlds.” And “There are living beings in water, on land and in the cosmos. O Creator, You know their needs as You take care of them.”

Holy trinity is the 3 elements of God.  (More on holy trinity in the next post).

Comparision to Egyptian mythology, then it will be as following:
Both are described as to be the first god, having created themselves.  They are considered as the beginning and the end.  They both are the first being to emerge from the darkness and endless watery abyss that existed before creation.

RA / VISHNU (Abel in Bible)
Both are considered as sun god.  Both rule in all parts of the created world: the sky, the earth, and the underworld. 
RA is also known as Atum-RA or AMUN-RA meaning came from Atum or Amun; While One of the name of BRAHMAN is MahaVishnu and Vishnu means coming from MahaVishnu.

Thoth / Brahma (Seth in Bible)
Both are known for the system of writing, the development of science, calculations for the establishment of the heavens, stars, Earth and everything in them (species, vegetation and etc…).  English words Taught and Thought come from Thoth

GEB/SEB / SHIVA (Cain in Bible)
GEB/SEB was the Egyptian god of the Earth, Shiva is known as God of Underworld and as the Destroyer.  Both had a snake around their head.  It was believed in ancient Egypt that Geb's laughter created earthquakes (destruction) and that he allowed crops to grow.   The name was pronounced as such from the Greek period onward and was originally read as Seb or some guess as Keb.  Cain was a farmer who tilled the soil.  Shiva is known as the destroyer and also the controller of Demons and Ghosts.  GEB was father of Osiris or Asur; In Sanskrit Sur means Angel and Asur means Demon.

APEP / Sheshnag  (both are snakes)
While in Egyptian Mythology it states that RA and APEP where enemies and Atum is sitting on a mound (benben), from the primordial waters (Nu); In Hinduism, it is said that Vishnu sits on the body of Sheshnag on the Primordial Waters.  In both Hinduism and Egyptian APEP or Sheshanag are shown to be siblings of RA and Vishnu respectively.  When Vishnu came on earth as Raam, Sheshanag came as his brother Laxman; and when Vishnu came on earth as Krishna, Sheshanag came as his brother Balrama.

“After every single Kalpa of 4.2 billion years or one day in the life of Brahma, SheshNag destroys the creation and Brahma goes to sleep for an equal period of time.  One day in the life of Brahma is completed.   This continues throughout the life of Brahma of 100 years, and Mahapralaya by Lord Shiva comes only at the end of Brahma's life.  Again, Vishnu gives life to Brahma and the process continues indefinitely.”
English word Apocalypse comes from Apep.

Sikh’s first Guru, Guru Nanak, said that if you do good deeds and pray to God every day and make charity, then the God will come as a boat to carry you across the world ocean.  Your Feet are the boat to carry us across the world-ocean; You alone know Your ways.”  RA is also shown as travelling in the world ocean on his boat.   

On the side note, the meaning of Jehovah in Sanskrit is Jeho/Jeeo = Soul and Vah is Vessel.  So Jehovah means carrier of Soul.  In Sikhism, the name of the God is VaheGuru meaning the vessel is the main Guru / God.

The only difference between Hinduism and Egyptian is that while in Hinduism Brahma is considered as the creator of all species and Vishnu is the mediator, in Egyptian RA is the creator and Thoth is the mediator.

ATOM / ATUM/ ATMAN / ADAM is the main God.

“All is Atum”; the whole universe – stars, planets, plants, animals, humans - is made of Atoms.  The God is within us, He is not somewhere far away.

Who is Eve. 
As you may notice that Shiva came from the side of Vishnu, while Bible mention that Eve came from the side of Adam.  When you remove electron from Atom, you create Energy.  Eve is the Electro-Magnetic Wave (Energy).  It is within her name Ave = Eve.

Eve is Shakti (Sati/Parvati) in Hinduism and Nut in Egyptian

Nut is Egyptian Sky God and according to Egyptian legend there were only 360 days (hence 360 degrees = 1 full circle).  She defied RA and manipulated Seb with the help of Thoth to create 5 more days or children (Osiris, Isis, Set, Nephthys, and Horus).  

While in Hinduism, Parvati defied her father to marry Shiva and created son Ganesha without the knowledge of Shiva.  

In Bible Eve defied God and sinned by eating the forbidden fruit.  And what is considered as Forbidden Fruit (It is a metaphor; the phrase typically refers to any indulgence or pleasure that is considered illegal or immoral.) 

In cartoon Atom Eve – the main character is someone who manipulates matter. 

According to Santos Bonacci, easy way to tell if Eve is the same as Electro Magnetic Wave (energy), then look no further than the Sin(e) Wave.  Sin of AVE (EVE).

The star of David is nothing but a union of Microcosm and Macrocosm
Macrocosm (eve, wave, Prakriti, shakti, heaven, sky, feminine, forever) and Microcosm (earth, masculine, Purusha, shiva, dual)

There is no Prakriti without Purusha; No Shakti without Shiva.  I believe Prakriti, Eve, Shakti is Lucifer while Purusha, Shiva, Cain is Satan

This what Baphomet represents; and this is what ArdhNarishwara represents

According to Jubilees 4:9, (Cain's son) Enoch's mother was named Awan.  Another word play on AVE or EVE.

                                           A word that comes from Eve is Evil

Another word is Evening time between Sunset and Night describing Eve's journey from light to darkness

Eden is Heaven and the Snake in the Garden of Eden is Maya (Illusion or Veil).

Guru Nanak Dev Ji calls Maya “nagini” (serpent).  The 5 traits of Maya are lust (desire), anger, greed, attachment, and ego.  Maya enables these five vices and makes a person think the physical world is "real”.  In the Guru Granth Sahib, Sikh holy book, Maya refers to the "grand illusion" of materialism; money and wealth is also called Maya.  “From this māyā all other evils are born, but by understanding the nature of māyā a person begins to approach spirituality”.   Guru Nanak Dev Ji states that Maya was created by God when he created the universe.  Why did He create it, only He knows?  

Maya creates a sense of duality.


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