
Showing posts from May, 2018

Creation of the world Genesis versus

Creation Bible Vs Guru Nanak Dev Ji There is only One Universal Creator God. His Name Is Truth. He is the Creator. He is without Fear. He holds no Hatred against anyone. He never dies, He is Beyond Birth and Deaths, He is Self-Existent. He is only realized by Guru’s Grace Chant And Meditate: He was True In The Primal Beginning. He is True Throughout The Ages.  He is   True Here And Now. O Nanak, He is Forever And Ever True. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born on April 15th, 1469 in a town which is now in Pakistan to a Hindu parents.  Guru Nanak Dev Ji rejected the idea of religion and declared I am neither a Hindu nor am I a Muslim.  He preached that we should all pray to that one Creator God - Ek Omkar who has made us all from same clay. Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed in Equality of all. Unlike Bible, the Sikh Holy Book Guru Granth Sahib does not start from Creation.  It starts from the praise of the Creator God. Guru Nanak Dev Ji further added: “ Fr